Personal Development

Thinking Long Term

Many of us live like we are never going to get old, we are never going to be retired, and we are never going to die. I think, and this is I think, we should be conscious about our future and how we are going to spend that time.

Thinking long term is a powerful tool/way to take necessary and right steps towards the things we want. How cool it would be if we would know when we wanna be retired, where to be based, and how we wanna spend our retirement. And you can know all these things, but deciding today, and take today all the necessary actions to get to that direction/point in life.

Saving money is huge. Some people underestimate about saving money and putting on a side some small amount on every paycheck. They think that putting on a side just 5 euros monthly is not going to get them nowhere.

I love this video by Stefan James. He is my mentor, an example of how to be truly great at everything we do. Watch it here:


There is no shortage to anything. It takes time to achieve greatness. Tony Robbins once said: “Progress equals happiness.” It is all about process, because when you reach your goals, you will want to reach and achieve some other. Understand everything is a process, and you better enjoy it now.

“Deciding to commit yourself to long-term results rather than short-term fixes is as important as any decision you’ll make in your lifetime.”

It is about thinking long term. Giving value to others, and constantly trying to improve yourself. Practice talking with your family and friends long term. Practice asking your family and friends what do they want to achieve long term. What are their long term goals. Where do they see themselves long term. School that they go to, do they see themselves long term there.

What do you envision for yourself long term? What is the end goal? What is your long path?

Our good friend Google says this about the Thinking Long Term: Research suggests that thinking about the future—a process known as prospection—can help us lead more generous and fulfilled lives. Mindfulness is all the rage these days, and for good reason. Focusing on the moment can improve our well-being, foster compassion, and help our relationships.

Now you might be thinking…is it better to live in the present or think long term? It is necessary to think long term and it requires you to be in the present at the same time.

People don’t like the idea of thinking long term. Many are desperately seeking short term answers because they have money problems to be solved today. – Robert Kiyosaki

The essence of becoming a long term thinker is to spend more time thinking about the future than the present or the past. While it is obvious that we must live in the present, being too caught up in the present without regard to the future will lead to a future which is lacking in success.

Have you ever heard of: “What goes up, must come down.” I think, this applies just to a those that accumulate success and money very fast, but they might loose all that because they didn”t build their skills and knowledge about it. Success always seek for a good place to stay. You want consistency and steady growth in everything.


I mean, if the relationship can’t survive the long term, why on earth would it be worth my time and energy for the short term?

THIS is an amazing post about short and long term thinking. Please, read it through and tell me what you think.

I remember now reading a book called Mindset by Carol Dweck. It is an amazing book that teaches you the difference between Fixed and Growth Mindest. I like to buy my books over the Book Depository site. They have a hundreds of thousands books to choose from and they ship worldwide for free. You can search for a book here if you want. I highly recommend it.


Think about your retirement. Don”t you wanna retire early, so you can do whatever you want with yourself, with your life? You get to choose are you gonna work or not. You have that privilege of choosing whether you will work or not. Deciding and committing to save long term is huge as I already said, because whether you admit or not, you wanna be safe and free, and committing to long term saving is going to bring that safeness and freedom.

In short, with long term thinking, things will get easier down the road. With short term thinking, life will get harder down the road.

Short term thinking means bad leadership. because it causes long term problems.

I know that future now seems unreal, you cannot touch it, but it will come. It is not something now that you can see, but it will come to reality. If you cannot see now your future, doesn”t mean it doesn”t exist, so better think how your future should look like.

The power of intention is the book that will change the direction of every actions that you are going to take. It will make you think why are you doing what you are doing. Everything has consequences. The question is, why you are doing the things.

Think about it. The future will come. There is no question about it. What you put now in the day, it shall manifest tomorrow, in a week, month, a year, or 10 years. It must! That is the law. The question is, what are some of the actions that you took today?

I am very passionate about what I write as you can see. These are the things that blows my mind. It is something that is not visible, not tangible, but still, it is inevitable that will come into fruition. It must! Sou you better now decide how you future must look like, what are your values, preferences, wishes…

I am going to leave you now, and I want you to think long term, just decide what your future should look like and take every day all the necessary steps towards that.

Please, comment this post, share some of your thoughts about thinking long term, and subscribe for more amazing content in the future.

Love you all,



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