Mental Health

Why I have mixed feelings

It is very important to understand, and to just notice how you feel moment by moment.

Do you sometimes wake up in the morning feeling down? You feel like time is not on your side, and you have a feeling of “something is missing”? Me, many times!

What to do in this case? The moment you realize how you feel, and you know you don’t wanna continue this rout, your shift is happening.

It’s very important to know what you need to do. What should you do to raise your vibe? What you need to do to feel a little bit better?

There was a time that I could survive, feeling amazing, and have a lots of energy with only couple of hours of sleep, but this times has changed.

Now in my 38th year if I don’t sleep at least 8 hours I am going to feel super sensitive, nervous and angry. I am going to look for things that doesn’t work in my life. Who needs that? No one! We need to take time to sleep and rest. I know this is the first for me. Have a quality rest.

Mixed feelings

Sleep, proper rest, and feeling refreshed is crucial, I know in my case.

Mixed emotions can cause many other things as well. Having bad family relationships, a partner that hurt us, friend that laid you down, having problems at work, all that can cause our bad feelings and emotions.

What is in your case? In my, is sleep, and family relationships.

How can we make this better? By having proper rest and just open ourselves up, loving your family for no matter who they are? I think that is the solution. What do you think?”

Feelings are much like waves, we can`t stop them from coming but we can choose which one to surf.” – Jonatan Martensson Source

Things to do when you have a mixed emotions:

  • Go and take a nap
  • Meditate
  • Read a book
  • Take a walk
  • Call a friend
  • Take a bath
  • Watch funny movie
  • Listen music

Mixed feelings can be just about anything. Often times when somebody say that they have mixed feelings, we usually think it’s about their partner, in an early stage of dating, but really, you can have mixed feelings in daily life, just about anything.

One moment you feel excited, one moment confused, the other fearful. Have you ever felt this way? Like you are confused? I believe it’s normal.

How do I really feel and why?

The question above should be asked at least once a day. I mean, asking yourself that question. And if you feel lazy, for example, you can ask yourself question: “Why do I feel lazy?” And so on and so forth.

Read more about two questions you need to ask yourself daily HERE.

Really, anything in life can be solved, we only need to work towards that, and the way you are feeling now, should be your number one priority.

How do you raise your vibration? How important or not important it is in your life? What do you think about this Blog Post? Did it helped you at all?